Asking a question at a candidate forum / town hall is one of the most important things any advocate can do.
When you ask whether or not a candidate supports the fully-ratified 28th Amendment (Equal Rights) you not only help increase the priority of this issue to the candidate and staff but you will educate members of the audience as well.
- Develop your script ahead of time (sample below)
- Identify yourself: include your name, city (and state if applicable)
- Thank the candidate / official: extend a quick thank you to them for being there
- Provide background information: if your question requires background information, briefly provide it
- Ask your question: make a clear, direct ask
- Listen carefully to the answer: some candidates will express enthusiastic support for gender equality (conceptually) but dodge any specifics about our Constitution / their own ability to take action on the issue
- Ask a follow up question (as necessary / possible): anticipate “spin” and be prepared to clarify the answer and/or ask a follow up question
- Follow up: get contact information from the staff so you can follow up if necessary
- Tape it: whenever possible, get video of the question and answer
- Submit it: send your video to hello@VoteEquality.US and we may highlight it on social media / post it somewhere on this website
Hello, my name is _____ and I live in _______. Congress passed and thirty-eight states have ratified the 28th Amendment (Equal Rights).
Do you support the 28th Amendment being added to our Constitution? What are you doing to ensure America can join 168 other countries that guarantee gender equality in their constitutions?
– Citizen education AND getting a candidate on the record 🙂
- List of candidate forums and town halls: Check online at, candidate or other websites, candidate or local organizing social media accounts) or call the office to find out when an event will be held in your area
- RSVP / ticket: if the event you wish to attend requires a ticket / RSVP, please make sure to get one well in advance.
- League of Women Voters: Candidate forum FAQ